Anabel Valencia por bulerias lebrijanas - XVII Noche flamenca en Carmona
Actuacion de Anabel Valencia por bulerias lebrijanas en la XVII Noche Flamenca.
En el festival de flamenco que como cada año viene patrocinando la Delegación de Festejo del Ayuntamiento de Carmona y que organiza la Asociación Cultural Amigos de la Guitarra, ha contado este año con los siguientes artistas:
Los cantaores Paco Moya, José A. Muñoz El Chozas y Anabel Valencia, acompañados a la guitarra por Manuel Fernández Peroles.
El grupo de baile de Úrsula Moreno, acompañada al cante por José Parrondo y Jesús Cobarcho, a la guitarra Antonio Andrés y Antonio Arrebola a las palmas.
Son ya 17 años los que ha cumplido este Festival de Flamenco, y al igual que cada año es un éxito de publico, tanto de mayores como de jóvenes a los que mas atraen estos cantes:alegrías, seguirillas, bulerías, cartageneras, fandangos, etc.
The flamenco festival every year and has sponsored the Delegation of Celebrations of the City of Carmona and Cultural Association organized Friends of the guitar, has had this year with the following artists:
The singers Paco Moya, Jose A. Munoz "The Huts" and Anabel Valencia, accompanied on guitar by Manuel Fernández "kettle".
The dance group of Ursula Moreno, accompanied by the singing Cobarcho José Parrondo and Jesus, on guitar and Antonio Andres Antonio Arrebola to the palms.
They are already 17 years that have fulfilled this Flamenco Festival, and like every year is a success, not much higher as more young people we attract these songs: joys, seguirillas, bulerias, cartageneras, fandangos, etc. .
The singers Paco Moya, Jose A. Munoz "The Huts" and Anabel Valencia, accompanied on guitar by Manuel Fernández "kettle".
The dance group of Ursula Moreno, accompanied by the singing Cobarcho José Parrondo and Jesus, on guitar and Antonio Andres Antonio Arrebola to the palms.
They are already 17 years that have fulfilled this Flamenco Festival, and like every year is a success, not much higher as more young people we attract these songs: joys, seguirillas, bulerias, cartageneras, fandangos, etc. .
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