Voces Thules - Concierto en Carmona
Concierto celebrado en Carmona, el pasado dia 25 de septiembre, cantando canciones y poemas acompañados de instrumentos antiguos originales de la tradicion popular, musica y danza de la edad media y el renacimiento de islandia.
Voces Thules es un conjunto de música islandes formada en 1992.
El conjunto está formado por cinco cantantes masculinos (Eggert Pálsson, Jóhannesson Einar, Eiríkur Hreinn Helgason, Viktorsson Guðlaugur y Halldorsson Sigurður) que han estudiado en Reykjavik, Londres y Viena, especializándose en la música islandesa medieval y contemporánea. Además de trabajar con Thules Voces, los miembros están ocupados con sus carreras individuales como instrumentistas y cantantes. Thules Voces han sido invitados a actuar en diversos festivales internacionales, por ejemplo en el 20 º aniversario del Festival de Música Antigua de Utrecht en Holanda, y en el 50 º aniversario de la Internacional de Bergen Festival de las Artes, donde Voces Thules realizó dos conciertos con música medieval a partir de los manuscritos de Islandia. El conjunto ha grabado para la radio y la televisión y en 2006 terminó de grabar "Oficina de San Thorlak" (Þorlákstíðir), el único santo de Islandia, de un manuscrito de alrededor de 1400. Ellos fueron nominados por la Música del Consejo Nórdico de precios de 2008.
Concert held in Carmona, the last day on September 25, singing songs and poems accompanied by original antique instruments popular tradition, music and dance of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance of Iceland.
Voces Thules is an Icelandic music ensemble formed in 1992.
The ensemble consists of five male singers (Eggert Pálsson, Einar Jóhannesson, Eiríkur Hreinn Helgason, Guðlaugur Viktorsson and Sigurður Halldórsson) who have studied in Reykjavik, London and Vienna, specializing in Icelandic medieval and contemporary music. Apart from working with Voces Thules, the members are busy with their individual careers as instrumentalists and singers. Voces Thules have been invited to perform in various international festivals e.g. in the 20th anniversary of the Utrecht Early Music Festival in Holland, and at the 50th anniversary of the Bergen International Arts Festival, where Voces Thules performed two concerts with medieval music from the Icelandic manuscripts. The ensemble has recorded for radio and television and in 2006 finished recording "Office of Saint Thorlak" (Þorlákstíðir), the only Icelandic saint, from a manuscript around 1400. They were nominated for the Nordic Council Music Price 2008.
Voces Thules is an Icelandic music ensemble formed in 1992.
The ensemble consists of five male singers (Eggert Pálsson, Einar Jóhannesson, Eiríkur Hreinn Helgason, Guðlaugur Viktorsson and Sigurður Halldórsson) who have studied in Reykjavik, London and Vienna, specializing in Icelandic medieval and contemporary music. Apart from working with Voces Thules, the members are busy with their individual careers as instrumentalists and singers. Voces Thules have been invited to perform in various international festivals e.g. in the 20th anniversary of the Utrecht Early Music Festival in Holland, and at the 50th anniversary of the Bergen International Arts Festival, where Voces Thules performed two concerts with medieval music from the Icelandic manuscripts. The ensemble has recorded for radio and television and in 2006 finished recording "Office of Saint Thorlak" (Þorlákstíðir), the only Icelandic saint, from a manuscript around 1400. They were nominated for the Nordic Council Music Price 2008.
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