Coro del monasterio de Santa Clara : Cantos
En Septiembre del 2.011, y con motivo de celebrarse el 550 aniversario de la fundación del monasterio, el coro de monjas del monasterio de Santa Clara, nos ofrecieron estos cantos:
El canto primero, es originalmente del salmo 138 que se titula A donde iré señor lejos de tu aliento, una preciosa oración de un creyente para expresar su fe en Dios.
El canto segundo, de la carta de San Pablo a los filipenses “No es que haya conseguido el premio o que este en la meta Pablo sabe lo que dice cuando olvida el camino recorrido y mira el que le queda por recorrer”.
El canto segundo, de la carta de San Pablo a los filipenses “No es que haya conseguido el premio o que este en la meta Pablo sabe lo que dice cuando olvida el camino recorrido y mira el que le queda por recorrer”.
El canto tercero “El Magnificat” María canta la salvación de Dios en su persona, la salvación de Dios llega a los pobres de la tierra, a los humildes, a los hambrientos, y por ultimo alcanza el canto su mayor amplitud, Dios salvador actúa en Abraham y su descendencia para siempre.
El canto cuarto, Canto tradicional, que se cantaba con un motivo vocacional, dedicado a todos los jóvenes en preparación a su vida futura.
Santa Clara Monastery Choir:
In September 2011, on the occasion of celebrating the 550th anniversary of the founding of the monastery, the choir of nuns of the Monastery of Santa Clara, offered these songs:
The first song is originally from salmo138 entitled Where sir go away from your breath, a beautiful prayer of a believer to express their faith in God.
The second song from the letter of Paul to the Philippians, "Not that I have won the prize or is in the goal Paul knows what it says when you forget the path and see the one that lies ahead."
The third song "The Magnificat" Mary sings the salvation of God in him, God's salvation reaches the poor of the earth, the humble, the hungry, and the song finally reaches its greatest extent, saving God acts to Abraham and his descendants forever.
The fourth song, traditional singing, which was sung with a motive vocational dedicated to all young people in preparation for their future life.
Santa Clara Monastery Choir:
In September 2011, on the occasion of celebrating the 550th anniversary of the founding of the monastery, the choir of nuns of the Monastery of Santa Clara, offered these songs:
The first song is originally from salmo138 entitled Where sir go away from your breath, a beautiful prayer of a believer to express their faith in God.
The second song from the letter of Paul to the Philippians, "Not that I have won the prize or is in the goal Paul knows what it says when you forget the path and see the one that lies ahead."
The third song "The Magnificat" Mary sings the salvation of God in him, God's salvation reaches the poor of the earth, the humble, the hungry, and the song finally reaches its greatest extent, saving God acts to Abraham and his descendants forever.
The fourth song, traditional singing, which was sung with a motive vocational dedicated to all young people in preparation for their future life.
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