Manuela Moraga y Romerito por MARIANA XXXVII Concurso Nacional de Cante Flamenco "Ciudad de Carmona 2020"
Actuación de la cantaora Manuela Moraga Leyva de Sevilla, acompañado a la guitarra por Romerito, en la fase de selección del XXXVII Concurso Nacional de Cante Flamenco "Ciudad de Carmona".
Cantando por mariana.
Cantando por mariana.
Organiza: Asociación Cultural Flamenca "Amigos de la Guitarra.
Performance by the singer Manuela Moraga Leyva from Seville, accompanied on guitar by Romerito, in the selection phase of the XXXVII National Contest of Cante Flamenco "Ciudad de Carmona".
Singing for mariana.
Organized by: Flamenca Cultural Association "Friends of the Guitar.
Performance by the singer Manuela Moraga Leyva from Seville, accompanied on guitar by Romerito, in the selection phase of the XXXVII National Contest of Cante Flamenco "Ciudad de Carmona".
Singing for mariana.
Organized by: Flamenca Cultural Association "Friends of the Guitar.
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