MARIANA Andres Marquez y Rafael Ruz Concurso de cante flamenco Carmona 2021
Actuación del cantaor Andres Marquez Lebron de Cordoba, acompañado a la guitarra por Rafael Ruz, en la fase de selección del XXXVIII Concurso Nacional de Cante Flamenco "Ciudad de Carmona".
Cantando por mariana.
Organiza: Asociación Cultural Flamenca "Amigos de la Guitarra.
Performance by singer Andres Marquez Lebron from Cordoba, accompanied on guitar by Rafael Ruz in the selection phase of the XXXVIII National Flamenco Singing Contest "City of Carmona."
Singing for mariana.
Organizers: Cultural Flamenca "Friends of the Guitar.
Cantando por mariana.
Organiza: Asociación Cultural Flamenca "Amigos de la Guitarra.
Performance by singer Andres Marquez Lebron from Cordoba, accompanied on guitar by Rafael Ruz in the selection phase of the XXXVIII National Flamenco Singing Contest "City of Carmona."
Singing for mariana.
Organizers: Cultural Flamenca "Friends of the Guitar.
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